Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weekend Update

Someone dear to me is very upset that I posted a link to the YouTube video showing Farrakhan alluding to Obama as the Messiah. Which shows once again that I should always explain WHY I'm posting something, not just throw it up there with a reference to it being creepy. (Side note: the YouTube guy who posted it seems a little creepy, too.) Especially when it's to someone as incendiary and controversial as Farrakhan.

Here's the deal: I find referring to anyone alive today in Messianic terms deeply disturbing. Obama may be the best thing to happen to this country since the SEC (that's the Southeastern Conference, not the Securities and Exchange Commission, you Philistines), but the Messiah, he ain't. In fact, given that he's a Christian, I hope he's as disturbed by those references as I am. He's not even John, Paul, George, and that other guy. He's a politician. He may have good ideas. He may be able to do great things for this country. He may be incredibly successful. He may even be the next George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, or [insert your favorite politician's name here]. But he's not our savior. He's not even the Beatles. He's a guy who thinks he can do a better job at running the country than the other candidates out there. Can he? I have my doubts, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.

Hero worship is a quick way to disillusionment. No one is worth your worship other than the true Messiah. Don't make the mistake of thinking that anyone is somehow anything other than human, flawed, and fallen.

I'm so ready for this election to be over.

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