Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wait... Common Sense?

Wow. Someone is saying what I've been thinking. I need a time-out. A news blackout. Twenty-four hours of nothing but knitting, cooking, and Project Runway marathons. Okay, maybe some cleaning, too.

I turned the computer off for a WHOLE DAY this weekend. No blogging, no Facebook, no (gulp) e-mail, nothing. Just church, knitting, cooking, and NFL football. And a little bit of cleaning. And you know what? I didn't miss anything. The news wasn't that important. The world went on. Gas prices continued to fall. No one solved any financial crises.

Sometimes I think I'm going to take Kona as my role model. Does he have any clue what's going on around him? I doubt it. He knows when it's time to get up, when it's time to go out, when it's time to play, and when it's time to eat. When he gets into the car, he puts his front legs on the car seat and waits patiently for a boost, trusting completely that it will come along. Sometimes he has hardships - he gets squirted with the hose or loses his Nylabone under the couch or is forced to heel rather than tearing off after squirrels. But he shakes off his adversity and continues on, tail wagging. And he's about the happiest creature I think I've ever seen.

I'm not saying that we should all resort to eating mulch and bugs, although Kona seems to enjoy it. But it does seem like a great national time-out may be called for. For my part, I think I'm going to turn the computer off again this weekend. And maybe clean some.

P.S. Speaking of the other guy, I think he's finally lost it.

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